Source code for esy.client

import requests
import json
import logging
import pytz
from datetime import datetime
from email.utils import parsedate
from bravado.config import RequestConfig
from bravado.client import SwaggerClient, ResourceDecorator, \
    CallableOperation, warn_for_deprecated_op, construct_request
from bravado.http_future import HttpFuture
from bravado.requests_client import RequestsClient, RequestsFutureAdapter, \
from bravado_core.spec import Spec
from bravado.exception import HTTPInternalServerError, HTTPNotFound, \
    HTTPBadRequest, HTTPForbidden
from .exceptions import ESIError, ESINotFound, ESIForbidden, \

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ESICallableOperation(CallableOperation): """ Wraps bravado's CallableOpeartion to handle pagination """ def __init__(self, operation): self.operation = operation self.require_authorization = any(map(lambda spec: 'evesso' in spec, self.operation.security_specs)) super(ESICallableOperation, self).__init__(operation) self.paginated = 'page' in operation.params def __call__(self, _token=None, **op_kwargs): """Invoke the actual HTTP request and return a future. :rtype: :class:`bravado.http_future.HTTPFuture` """ warn_for_deprecated_op(self.operation) # Apply request_options defaults request_options = op_kwargs.pop('_request_options', {}) request_config = RequestConfig(request_options, also_return_response_default=True) request_params = construct_request( self.operation, request_options, **op_kwargs) # config = self.operation.swagger_spec.config http_client = self.operation.swagger_spec.http_client # Per-request config overrides client wide config # also_return_response = request_options.get( # 'also_return_response', # config['also_return_response']) # Check if we need an authorization token and if so set it up if self.require_authorization and _token is None: raise ESIAuthorizationError('Missing required authorization token') return http_client.request( request_params, operation=self.operation, request_config=request_config, authorization_token=_token)
[docs]class ESIPageGenerator(object): """ Generator for ESI API calls. """ def __init__(self, requests_future, requestsresponse_adapter, operation, response_callbacks, request_config, cache=None): self.requests_future = requests_future self.requestsresponse_adapter = requestsresponse_adapter self.operation = operation self.response_callbacks = response_callbacks self.request_config = request_config = 1 self.num_pages = 1 self.stop = False self.cache = cache if self.cache is not None: assert callable(getattr(self.cache, 'get', None)) assert callable(getattr(self.cache, 'set', None)) assert callable(getattr(self.cache, '__contains__', None)) def __iter__(self): return self def _get_cache_key(self): return hash(( self.requests_future.request.url, str(self.requests_future.request.params), str(self.requests_future.request.auth), str(self.requests_future.request.headers), str(self.requests_future.request.method), )) def _send(self): return HttpFuture(self.requests_future, self.requestsresponse_adapter, operation=self.operation, request_config=self.request_config).result() def result(self): if self.cache is not None: key = self._get_cache_key() if key in self.cache: data, num_pages = self.cache.get(key) self.num_pages = num_pages else: data, response = self._send() self.num_pages = int(response.headers.get('x-pages', '1')) expire_header = response.headers.get('expires') if expire_header is not None: expires = datetime( *parsedate(response.headers.get('expires'))[:7], pytz.UTC) self.cache.set(key, (data, self.num_pages), expires) else: try: data, response = self._send() except HTTPForbidden: raise ESIForbidden('Access denied') self.num_pages = int(response.headers.get('x-pages', '1')) return data def get(self): try: return self.result() except (HTTPInternalServerError, HTTPBadRequest) as ex: # pragma: no cover raise ESIError(str(ex)) except HTTPNotFound as ex: # pragma: no cover try: error_msg = json.loads(ex.response.text) raise ESINotFound(error_msg.get('error', 'Not found')) except Exception as ex: raise ESINotFound(str(ex)) except HTTPForbidden: # pragma: no cover raise ESIForbidden('Access denied') def __next__(self): if self.stop: self.requests_future.session.close() raise StopIteration else: self.requests_future.request.params['page'] = swagger_result = self.result() += 1 if > self.num_pages: self.stop = True return swagger_result
[docs]class ESIRequestsClient(RequestsClient): """ Extends the bravado RequestsClient to handle pagination, user agent and per-request authorizations. """ def __init__(self, user_agent, cache=None): super().__init__() self.user_agent = user_agent self.cache = cache
[docs] def request(self, request_params, operation=None, response_callbacks=None, request_config=None, authorization_token=None): sanitized_params, misc_options = self.separate_params(request_params) session = requests.Session() if authorization_token: session.headers.update({ 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(authorization_token) }) session.headers.update({ 'User-Agent': self.user_agent }) requests_future = RequestsFutureAdapter( session, self.authenticated_request(sanitized_params), misc_options, ) if operation is not None and 'page' in operation.params: return ESIPageGenerator(requests_future, RequestsResponseAdapter, operation, response_callbacks, request_config=request_config, cache=self.cache) else: data = ESIPageGenerator(requests_future, RequestsResponseAdapter, operation, response_callbacks, request_config=request_config, cache=self.cache).get() session.close() return data
[docs]class ESIClient(SwaggerClient): """ Swagger client interface adapted to use with the ESI. """ def __init__(self, swagger_spec, esi_endpoint, user_agent, use_models, cache): """ Internal constructor for ESIClient. Use get_client instead of instancing ESIClient directly. :param swagger_spec: :param esi_endpoint: :param user_agent: :param use_models: :param cache: """ self.http_client = ESIRequestsClient(user_agent, cache=cache) swagger_spec = Spec.from_dict(swagger_spec, esi_endpoint, self.http_client, config={ 'use_models': use_models }) super(ESIClient, self).__init__(swagger_spec) @staticmethod def _generate_esi_endpoint(endpoint, datasource): return '{}?datasource={}'.format(endpoint, datasource)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_client(user_agent=ESY_USER_AGENT, use_models=False, spec=None, endpoint=ESI_ENDPOINT, datasource=ESI_DATASOURCE, cache=None): """ Generates a client interface for ESI. :param user_agent: :type user_agent: str :param use_models: :param spec: :param endpoint: :type endpoint: str :param datasource: :type datasource: str :param cache: A class which implements the cache interface :return: An initalized client :rtype: ESIClient """ target = ESIClient._generate_esi_endpoint(endpoint, datasource) if spec is None: spec = ESIClient.get_swagger_spec(endpoint=endpoint, datasource=datasource) return ESIClient(spec, target, user_agent, use_models, cache)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_swagger_spec(endpoint=ESI_ENDPOINT, datasource=ESI_DATASOURCE, cache=None): """ Downloads and parses the swagger specification from the ESI endpoint. :param endpoint: URL to the ESI endpoint. Defaults to latest. :type endpoint: str :param datasource: ESI datasource to use. Defaults to Tranquility. :type datasource: str :param cache: Optional cache :return: Swagger specification :rtype: dict """ endpoint = ESIClient._generate_esi_endpoint(endpoint, datasource) key = hash((endpoint, 'spec')) if cache is not None and key in cache: swagger_data = cache.get(key) else: try: start = resp = requests.get(endpoint) resp.raise_for_status() swagger_data = resp.text log.debug('Swagger spec downloaded in {} seconds'.format( - start )) except Exception as ex: error = 'Could not connect to ESI: {}'.format(ex) log.error(error) raise ESIError(error) if cache is not None and key not in cache: cache.set(key, swagger_data, ESI_SWAGGER_CACHE_TIMER) try: spec = json.loads(swagger_data) return spec except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover error = 'Could not parse ESI swagger specification: {}'.format(ex) log.error(error) raise ESIError(error)
@property def cache(self): return self.http_client.cache @cache.setter def cache(self, cache): self.http_client.cache = cache def __getattr__(self, item): resource = self.swagger_spec.resources.get(item) if not resource: raise AttributeError('Resource {0} not found. Available ' 'resources: {1}'.format(item, ', '.join(dir(self)))) # Wrap bravado-core's Resource and Operation objects in order to # execute a service call via the http_client. return ESIResourceDecorator(resource)
[docs]class ESIResourceDecorator(ResourceDecorator): """ Extends ResourceDecorator to wrap operations with ESICallableOperation """ def __getattr__(self, name): """ :rtype: :class:`CallableOperation` """ return ESICallableOperation(getattr(self.resource, name)) def __eq__(self, other): """ :param other: instance to compare to :type other: ESIResourceDecorator :return: equality of instances :rtype: bool """ return == def __str__(self): return